- User management shall give the possibility to create several users with user specific access to functionality.
- Line input/output and routing settings., 5‑band parametric equalizer.
- Camera control and HD-SDI switcher configuration.
- Wireless network SSID and WPA2 settings.
- Wired network host‑name setting (DHCP and zero‑config protocol based on Bonjour, fixed IP address is not supported).
- Upload of custom logo, which shall be shown in the Wireless Device Extended.
- GUI language setting, Factory default.
- Device subscription, using standard WPS protocol.
- Seat naming including priority setting for the chairperson (Maximum up to 15 Wireless Devices can have priority).
- Dual‑use setting (requires DCNM‑LSDU per DCNM‑WD/WDE).
- Camera preposition assignment to seats (requires one DCNM‑LCC per DCNM‑WAP).
- Date and time settings. Automatic date and time synchronization through ntp server from the internet or supplied by the local DHCP server.
- Firmware upgrade of all devices and the WAP, using the wireless network (not supported when using the web interface on a tablet).
- License activation (not supported when using the web interface on a tablet).
- Logging with export functionality (Export is not supported when using the web interface on a tablet).